Associative commitment as seen by SLM

Until now, innovation has always been driven by economic agents. Today, with the open flow of information, we are witnessing the emergence of new models driven by alternative actors. SLM wishes to accompany this movement of openness towards a Society that initiates and acts on its changes.

SLM has founded 2 associations acting within the framework of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Institute for the Knowledge of Autonomous Learning and Awakening Methods (ICMAAE), and Laboratory of Methods of Governance (LMG).


ICMAAE is an association whose vision is to share Knowledge through tools and methods that allow Autonomy in Learning. ICMAAE’s mission is to produce and organize knowledge through the collection of pedagogical resources and multi-channel contents, in order to make them accessible to the greatest number of people.


The Laboratory of Methods of Governance develops research that aims to understand the different modes of organization and interaction, inherent to individuals, groups and different realms. The idea is to select, record and disseminate the most effective Methods allowing the emergence of a collective intelligence and new modes of participatory collaboration.

Governance, a tool of decision making

Governance is increasingly the subject of reflection among governments, private sector actors and civil society. At SLM, we believe that Governance by the Circle, allows an organisation that induces both individual and collective transformation.

Positioning around a circle

SLM positions itself with other partners


Organizations active in sustainable development


Public and private research organisms


Agile Start-ups with impactful business models

Cette organisation suppose un modèle de gouvernance innovant, qui s’articule autour de 3 Axes.



La réflexion, l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre des modes de Gouvernance, se font de manière participative et collaborative avec une volonté de partage des visions et des Connaissances.



La conception et l’architecture des stratégies et axes de développement procèdent également de manière collaborative et agile dans une optimisation de faire circuler l’information.



SLM encourage les collaborateurs, à emménager leur emploi du temps pour laisser place à des initiatives visant  l’interaction entre les individus et L’accueil favorable du changement pour le bien collectif.